Rejoinder – Plot to Remove UPSA Vice Chancelor Exposed

My attention has been drawn to a news item on opera news captioned as above on the 13th of JULY 2020.
This news item was sponsored by an individual with the intention of tarnishing my reputation and twisting facts about current happenings in UPSA and making baseless imaginations.
The said article made an unfounded allegation that the former internal Auditor for the University was not qualified to occupy such position and was reassigned due to nationwide assessment of qualifications in the public Universities in Ghana.
There are generally 2 routes one can be employed into senior member ( Administrative ) positions in the University. It can be either through a minimum qualification of a Master’s degree from a recognized University or through a professional grade which encompass professional qualifications like ACCA, ICAG, AICPA etc. the professional qualifications are equivalent to the Master’s degree in terms of placement.
I am a proud chartered Accountant with over 11 years post qualification experience and a member of;
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants ( AICPA USA )
Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana.
I was employed by the University of Professional Studies Accra in April 2012 through the professional grade which is equivalent to Master’s Degree in terms of placement in UPSA. The allegation by the said article that I was put there as the Internal Auditor without the necessary qualification was false.
I worked as an internal Auditor from April 2012 to September 2019.
The nationwide credential assessment was conducted by NCTE and NAB to straighten some anomalies in public Universities in Ghana.
There are difference in requirements in terms of qualifications for academic staff who are mainly lectures and head of departments deans etc and administrative staff who are mainly office workers of the University.
For administrative senior members, who occupy leadership positions like Deputy Director, Director upwards, the new requirement is must have at least master’s Degree in addition to any professional qualifications.
By way of rank, I am Internal Auditor and not the Deputy Director of Director at the Internal Audit Directorate. The NCTE/NAB credential assessment as the writer put it does not apply in my circumstance.
I was employed at UPSA on the basis of my professional qualification as a chartered Accountant which is equivalent to a master’s degree at the point of entry, in UPSA statutes it is referred to as “ Professional Grade”.
The allegation that I was put there as Internal Auditor when I was not qualified by the former Vice Chancellor was FALSE.
The Director of Internal Audit at UPSA retired in August 2017.
I was the next in line in terms of rank after he was gone so the mantle of leadership fell naturally on me.
I took over the management of the Internal Audit directorate for 2 years without any letter from management nominating me to act.
The only letters I received were letters inviting me to Audit Committee meetings to present quarterly reports to the Audit Committee and also presenting all statutory reports to the Internal Audit Agency.
I was only acting because a vacuum was created when the director of Internal Audit retired.
I was neither a Deputy Director nor the Director of Audit by way of emphasis, the NCTE/NAB assessment requirements does not apply to me.
I became a target of the vice chancellor immediately he assumed office which is 3 years before the NCTE/NAB assessment was initiated.
He came to office to amass wealth for himself and sees me as a threat for his ambitions.
He has concocted a lot of stories about the reason why he wanted me replaced and very soon he will sponsor another publication giving different reasons
Prof. Abednego Oko Feehi Amartey has rather flooded the University with a lot of Unqualified Church members family and friends.
He employed his personal secretary who had only a Bachelor’s degree as Assistant Lecturer and was paid from Ghana’s consolidated fund for more than 2 years, Also He employed his Pastor’s son who had only post graduate Diploma from GIMPA ( Normally patronized by students who had 3rd class at the Undergraduate level and are not qualified to pursue Master’s degree ) as Assistant lecture into the University.
These and other expose which will come out soon caused huge financial loss to the Republic of Ghana.
The conditions of service for UPSA stipulate that when you act in a position that is vacant for more than 30 days, you are entitled to an Acting allowance. I acted as the head of audit for 2 years but was not given a penny as acting allowance.
There are couple of directorates like the works directorate with their director not having a master’s degree but are still at post.
Also per the NCTE/NAB assessment the University Librarian must have at least PHD. UPSA librarian does not have a PHD but he is still at post.
Let me at this juncture throw light on the NCTE/NAB assessment in relation to the Academic area of the University.
To be a lecturer, senior lecturer and above and also leadership position at the academic area of the University, the national assessment requires a minimum of a good PHD from accredited and recognized University, Some of the Academic staff who are in leadership positions and also the Vice Chancellor have DBA from Swiss Management Center which is neither a research Degree nor a Thesis required qualification.
In UPSA, a high number of our lectures have only research master’s degree due to how the University started as a professional Institution.
A great number of the lectures in UPSA have enrolled in various PHD programs in Ghana and around the world and a good number have successfully completed their program.
The vice chancellor was hiding under NCTE/NAB assessment which in the first place does not apply to me to achieve his parochial interest of putting his mole in helm of affairs at the Internal Audit Directorate so he can continue to dupe the country hundred of thousands of Ghana cedis.
The sponsor of the article was looking at the wrong direction. Prof. Joshua Alabi and wife Prof. Gosky Alabi has no interest in who becomes or who is the Vice Chancellor of UPSA.
They have nothing to do with the alleged plot to remove the Vice Chancellor of UPSA.
This is an internal Uprising for the Rot going on in UPSA, coupled with culture of fear, silence, intimidation and corruption that has bedeviled the University since the current Vice Chancellor took over in January 2017.
Very soon the identities of the individuals behind this justified crusade to expose the rot in UPSA will be known.
God help our nation Ghana.
Michael Quaye
BSC. Admin. Kennesaw USA
MSC. Finance, GA USA( ongoing )