In this new year, the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition requests all Ghanaians to deeply reflect on the cost and impact of corruption on Ghana’s development and peace.
As an illegal venture, corruption represents a bold and shameless affront to our human rights and every international effort at human development including the SDGs.
We call on Ghanaians to Reflect, Rethink and Re-Commit to the Fight Against Corruption this year.
Towards the 2020 elections, it is important for every citizen to commit to saying no
to electoral malpractice and violence.
This will promote peace and development,
and solidify Ghana’s democratic credentials among its peers.
We therefore call on all stakeholders, especially the youth, to desist from all forms of electoral malpractice and violence and rather channel their energies and passion
to ensuring a peaceful election 2020.
We urge them to actively monitor the big electioneering process as a proven method for increased transparency and accountability.
Happy New Year!!!
Beauty Emefa Narteh (Mrs)
Executive Secretary – GACC