Coronavirus: MMDAs Useless – Oblieman Chief Fumes

The Chief of Oblieman-Doodo who doubles as the acting paramount chief of Abola Piam We of the Ga State in the Greater Accra Region has called for the total overhaul of the decentralization structures in the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in Ghana over lack of proper planning towards educating the local communities and villages on Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in the country and Africa.
The Chief who is also an advisor for CivTek International Ghana and Africa has described the early signs of rift between the Police and some residents within the lockdown areas as due to the lack of proper education and information by the authorities on the virus outbreak.

He was speaking with the in Accra on Saturday in an exclusive interview when he raised the concerns.
Nii Oyanka fumed at the media for not having enough time to educate the public on the virus outbreak.
Security personnel especially the police and military have been accused of brutality on innocent civilians during the lockdown.
He suggested that house to house or community to community type of education could have addressed some of these issues.
To him, involvement of local chiefs in villages and communities would have also helped a lot in educating the local people on COVID-19.

“Kayayeis, street hustlers have no knowledge on social distancing protocol”, he bemoaned.
The young chief laid blame on government for not providing shelter to the homeless before embarking on the lockdown adding that “these people can not observe the directives from health authorities and the country is sitting on time bomb”.
“This is the responsibility of local government to oversea to such situations”, he added.
“The Ministers for Health and Information must be told that Ghana is not only about the Airport , the borders and the hospitals where their focus is, measures must be put in place at the local communities where thousands of people are living in villages without proper communication on what steps to be taken to address impending dangers of COVID-19 outbreak”, Nii Oyanka charged.
According to him, government and state institutions must begin to support the local chiefs and communities immediately with logistics to help fight or prevent spread of the Coronavirus.
Source: Ghanaiandemocrat