Vigilance oooooooo Vigilance – Dr. Appiah Cautions NDC

Dr. Lawrence Appiah, Founder of the Diaspora Progressive Movement (DPM) based in USA has cautioned the Opposition National Democratic Congress, NDC in Ghana to be very vigilance going into 2020 general elections.
DPM founder alleged the ruling NPP led President Akufo-Addo faking the number of people who recovered from the novel coronavirus in Ghana to gain popularity ahead of the 2020 general elections.
In a statement sent to this Portal, Dr. Appiah alluded to some strange figures the government claimed are number of people who recovered, all these he indicated are part of moves to cajole Ghanaians again to vote for them.
Below Is The Full Statement…..
……..Dr. Lawrence writes…….
Vigilance oooooooo Vigilance, NDC
The key word in 2020 is Vigilance. NDC is going to win the 2020 elections and it will take vigilance to get there. I am happy with how the minority in parliament is handling the affairs in parliament by exposing the majority and getting them frustrated at times.
That was what forced the Majority leader, Hon. Kyei Mensah-Bonsu to confess that unless there is a new voters register in place, NDC will win the 2020 elections. I hope the NDC will ensure that this vigilance is practiced across board.
Nana Akuffo-Addo, Sammy Awuku and Dr. Bawumiah have all indicated that COVID-19 is going to be a campaign tool for the NPP. This should right away let the NDC know that whatever the government does should be subjected to strict scrutiny.
For example, it shouldn’t take the French News Agency, AFP, to expose Nana Akuffo-Addo that it was a lie if he claims Ghana has administered more COVID-19 tests per million people than any other country in Africa.
AFP further claimed that Ghana comes behind South Africa and at least two other African countries so far as testing for Coronavirus is concerned. Nana Akuffo-Addo knew very well that what he was saying was a lie but he said it anyway because of politics.
Few days ago, the government came up with the figures for COVID-19: 5,638 confirmed cases, 28 deaths and Bam, over 1,460 recoveries. By the way, the recoveries included the former Chief of Staff, Hon. Julius Debrah. Thank God he has come out to deny that claim.
After that hoax of an announcement, the government communicators were discussing the number of recoveries and not about the confirmed cases. Any politician who is watching events leading to the December elections, will immediately know what the NPP are going to do.
They are going to artificially increase the number of recoveries to the detriment of how to contain the virus. This is why I agree with Hon. Joyce Bawah Mogtari, who said that these COVID-19 figures should be subjected to strict strutiny. NPP has a history of doing everything possible to win power regardless of how many human lives are lost. NDC just needs to stay focused.
Personally, I don’t believe that Ghana has administered more tests per million people than any other country in Africa. I don’t believe that over 1,460 COVID-19 patients have recovered, and I don’t believe that 88 district and 6 regional hospitals will be built within a year, but who am I to challenge a government who is full of lies and deceit?
This government lied to power and it thinks it can lie to keep that power. That power in is your hands and you should do justice with it in December. Just know that in 2020, the key word is Vigilance. Be vigilant to anything this government does going forward and you will not be deceived again.
To my NDC friends, don’t allow the government to use the COVID-19 figures to confuse Ghanaians. Subject every little thing, including the voters register to strict scrutiny. In other words, be Focused and be Vigilant.
Dr. Lawrence is the Founder of the Diaspora Progressive Movement based in USA.