I don’t intend to reiterate his madness in this rejoinder. However, there is the need to set the records straight on his baseless and unfounded allegations. Prof Joshua Alabi has not been indicted in any fraudulent deal, he is not under any probe and he will never be indicted in any probe in sha Allah. If Fadi Dabbousi believes that there is any wrong-doing as far as the SSNIT Software Contract is concerned, he should proceed to court. Just to clear the air, Prof Alabi led board inherited the contract in question anyway. To allege that someone who served this nation diligently is a thief without any shred of evidence is a crime under the laws of this country. Perhaps in Fadi Dabbousi’s country Lebanon, such utterances do not constitute a crime, not in our Ghana.
Fadi Dabbousi’s rants against former president Mahama, Bagbin, Spio and Ibrahim Mahama are equally baseless and unfounded. I believe he will do himself a favour if he retracts his baseless and unfounded allegations and render unqualified apology. This time he has bitten more than he can chew. Not even his Akufo Addo can save him. I will be back.