Prof. Atuguba Presents New Book To Speaker

The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon S.K Bagbin has commended renowned legal scholar, Professor Raymond Atuguba for the production of his latest book.
The Speaker, who received a signed copy of the book titled ‘The New Constitutional And Administrative Law of Ghana: From The Garden of Eden to 2022’, was full of praise to the law professor.
Professor Atuguba who is currently the Dean of the University of Ghana School of Law made the presentation on Thursday at the office of the Speaker in Parliament.

The book contains a detailed account of the constitutional history of the country, an account from the beginning of human existence, through the pre-colonial and colonial eras, to the post-colonial and current eras.
It also covers all three concepts of “Constitution”, “Constitutionality” and “Constitutionalism”; illuminating the confusion surrounding these three terminologies and their sister terms, “democratic governance”, “good governance” and “people- centred governance”, and their opportunistic deployment in extreme fuzziness as part of the challenge with constitutional governance in Africa and provide clear pathways for better constitutional governance in Africa.

In recognition of the depth of thoughts and analytical clarification and presentation, concise and indisputable perspectives of its contents, the Speaker intends to make the book a must-read-manual for all Parliamentarians.
The Speaker also recommended the book for all persons interested in constitutional law.