NDC Kaneshie Ward Engages Market Women on 24 Hours Economy

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The Kaneshie ward of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) of the Okaikoi South in the Greater Accra Region has embarked on 24hr economic sensitization at the Kaneshie market.

The sensitization tour was led by the ward coordinator Daniel Ofori Gidison to spread the message.

Kaneshie market women welcomed the NDC delegation with zu za slogans.

Engaging some of the market women, Mr. Daniel Ofori Gidison explained to them that a time would come when markets will be opened for businesses at night due to the demand and activities the 24hr economy will create.

He said, so far, the 24hr economy has received a positive indication across the country.

While the youth could not wait for the coming of the NDC and John Mahama back to power, he said, they are also ensuring that the youth will take the campaign to the next level.

The market women welcomed the policy and pledged to vote for the NDC and John Mahama massively in the coming elections.

According to them, the hardship in the country has attained its bearest maximum point and Ghanaians have become fed up with the lies of the NPP Akufo Addo / Bawumia government.

They indicated their readiness to campaign massively for the NDC this year.

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