LGBTQ+ Advocates Arrested

Protesters gathered at the obra spot Circle Accra, waiting to match to the police headquarters to demand the release of people arrested at a gathering in Dome a suburb of Accra who were intending to lunch a LGBTQ group.
The police in mask and some government vigilantes stormed the spot to disperse the crowd, they were beaten, handcuffed and bundled into police trucks.

Driven to the police headquarters. Scores of people were arrested According to the police PR, the gathering was unlawful and been a LGBTQ is still illegal.
Many of the protesters were injured due to stampede and beaten with.
They didn’t provide more details on the reason for the arrests and how many were in their custody.
Civil rights groups are demanding their release and said they didn’t commit any crime.

Mr. Razak Ibrahim, a businessman and Rights advocate was arrested, beaten and dragged into police truck during the protest in Accra.