Ledzokuku NDC “Family Walk” Receives Massive Turn-Out

The Ledzokuku Constituency of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has organized a walk over the weekend dubbed “Family Walk”.
The walk brought together party supporters, sympathizers and other well wishing Ghanaians who are seeking to see a change in the political leadership of the country.
The walk also forms part of the Constituency post election plans to bring together past and present constituency and branch executives to find way forward towards victory 2020.
The two hours walk started from the Teshie Orphanage through some principal streets amidst music, singing and dancing ended at the Teshie preparatory Schhol park. Party faithful clad in NDC colours.
Addressing party people after the walk, the National Organizers of the NDC, Joshua Amidu Akamba, called on party supporters in the Ledzokuku Constituency to avoid factionalism and other negative actions that have the tendency to thwart efforts at bringing the party back to power.
He noted that the President and his party NPP have failed Ghanaians saying there is the need for NDC supporters to bury their differences after the elections and forge ahead in unity.
The NDC Chairman of the Ledzokuku Constituency, Ben Ayiku, re-emphasized the need for NDC supporters to come together as one family to win the 2020 general elections. He said the family walk is to create awareness in the constituency that the part is still vibrant.
Source: Ghanaiandemocrat.com