Ignore Bootlicking Ga Chiefs – king Ayi Tunma tells Akufo Addo

The Chief of Defense Staff of the Ga State, King Ayi Tunma, has called on President Nana Akufo Addo to ignore calls on him by self acclaimed Ga Chiefs to install another Ga Mantse for the Ga state.
According to King Ayi Tunma, those people visiting the President and calling for the installation of new Ga Mantse are not legitimate representatives of the Ga State saying “they are imposters”.
The Constitution of the Ga Traditional Council, according to the Chief of Staff is illegal hence their call on the President to install Ga Mantse.
King Ayi Tunma made this statement when he was speaking with ghanaiandemocrat.com in an interview in Accra over the week.
Surprisingly, these self acclaimed Ga Chiefs went to appeal to the President to install Ga Mantse for the Ga State forgotten that the President has no powers to install a Chief.
Meanwhile King Ayi could not bear the shame that the supposed traditional council members brought to the people of Ga State has therefore called for a committee to be set up to investigate the trust successor to the throne.
The trouble of the Ga State according to the King has some political undertone that is denying the people of Ga State the unity they deserve.
” The unity among the Ga State will bring down some evil forces that are also working hard to make sure the people of GaDangbe will not unite to find their true and legitimate Chief”, he added.
” The enemies of State put their so-called Chiefs and members of the Traditional Council to benefit from the illegal goodies and royalties that meant for the development of the Ga State”, Nii Ayi concluded.
By: GD Reporter