GAB Foundation Fetes PLWD

Gosky Alarbi Bortiorkor (GAB) Foundation, an NGO championing the good course for the Persons Living with Disabilities has organized the annual end of year get together for disabilities in the La, Ledzokuku and Krowor Municipalities.
The get together was to create awareness to the effect that the disability is not inability and they deserve the attention of the society they live in.
Speaking in an interview with, the founder of GAB Foundation, Professor Gosky Alarbi, said the foundation has been in existence for past 19 years and has made impact through its special advocacy for Persons Living with Disabilities.
Professor Gosky Alarbi said over the years the foundation has supported and partnered Person Living with Disability in diverse way to improve their living conditions.

Prof. Alarbi mentioned that the foundation has given out scholarships for Person Living with Disability who qualifies to the tertiary level adding that “they will also be given wheel chair, crouches among others”.
She appealed to the District Assemblies to ensure timely release of disability funds to facilitate quick disbursement to enable its member’s better serve their needs.
She expressed disappointment at which some individuals at various assemblies use the funds to reinvest to make extra profit before releasing it to the beneficiaries.
By: Iddrissu A.Jara