Ensure That Your Diet Is Teeth Friendly-Nivodent Tooth Paste

Having bad dental hygiene can make it difficult for anyone to say something as simple as cheese or smile. Your mouth is more than just a pretty smile. It is the gateway to your overall health; hence keeping that gateway clean may keep you healthier as well.A healthy diet is linked with dental health because certain elements in a diet can attract cavity- causing bacteria.It is therefore important to learn how to eat the best diet for your teeth. Here are some tooth-friendly tips you need to know:
Avoid Excess Fruit Juice: While fruit juice can seem like a healthy choice for all, it is often loaded with fruits and sugar that isn’t healthy for the teeth. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that children younger than six months should not drink fruit juices while those from ages 6 months to one year should not consume more than 6 ounces of fruit juice per day. This is because of the excess preservatives added to fruit drinks that affects the teeth.
Low calcium intake: A diet with adequate calcium may prevent against tooth decay. When a diet is low in calcium, the body leeches the mineral from teeth and bones, which can increase your risk of tooth decay and the incidence of cavities. A study that appeared in the Journal of Periodontology found that those who have a calcium intake of less than 500 mg, or about half the recommended dietary allowance, were almost twice as likely to have periodontitis, or gum disease, than those who had the recommended intake.
The Food and Drug Authorityhave also recommended 1,000 mg of calcium daily for women younger than 50 and for men of any age, whiles 1,200 mg for women over 50. This is because calcium has powerful effect when it comes to keeping the teeth strong. Regular intake of diets that contain calcium helpsthe teeth grow stronger and protect it from cavities.
Vitamin C: The body needs vitamin C to repair connective tissue and help the body fight off infection. No surprise then that a study at the State University of New York at Buffalo showed that those who eat less than the recommended 75 to 90 mg per day are 25 percent more likely to have gingivitis than those who eat three times the recommended daily allowance. Gingivitis is the mildest form of periodontal diseases, and it causes the gums to become red from inflammation, swelling and bleeding easily. It is therefore necessary to eat diet that contains vitamin C so to protect the gum against inflammation.
Soda:We already know that soda is bad for happiness and health. The combination of sugar, acids, and carbonation is a death sentence for teeth. Countless studies have linked soda consumption (both regular and diet) with tooth erosion and decay.Of course, you need to do more than brush, floss, and see your dentist to protect your teeth. Your entire lifestyle matters. If you want to slow down the aging clock of your teeth, then ensure a healthy diet and keep down the levels of inflammation.
Source: Jumia Ghana