Consider Economic Response Package to COVID-19 in Ghana – ILAPI

We are by this statement, asking government to look into an emergency economic response to COVID-19 in Ghana. The Pandemic is changing economic activities and doing business. We waited and reacted to COVID-19 with a financial response of $100 million and other important public safety measures. These are important to containing the spread of the virus.
The spread of COVID-19 would disrupt businesses, sales, internal transport, import and export, manufacturing, large scale mining, oil production and individual income. Should COVID-19 patients increase in the coming weeks, there could be job loss, folding up of business, less or no production and revenue reduction for government.
Both public and private agencies might not be at post except the security services and health care workers. This will militate service delivery and economic activities. Citizens would look out for means to survive and we should not always react to economic crisis and allow it to smile at us before we take actions.
It is imperative to consider economic response measures to ensure Ghanaians get paid/salaries while at home, working from home or without such responsibilities in the case of private teachers and other private sector employees as well as public workers.
A comprehensive stimulus package would boost confidence and ensure a continuous growth of the economy.
Peter Bismark
Institute for Liberty & Policy Innovation (ILAPI)