2017/2018 Hajj Chalks Huge Success – I. C. Quaye

The chairman of Pilgrim Affairs of Ghana Sheikh I.C. Quaye has described the 2017/18 annual pilgrimage as the best ever happened in the management of Hajj Affairs in the country.
According to him, the success story of the board was achieved by dent of hard work and dedication to duty by the staff of the board.
Sheikh I.C. Quaye was speaking at this year’s Quranic recitation, an event organized annually by the board to glorified Almighty Allah for the Success story chalked in the year under review.
He reveals that no debt was incurred by the current board, and Pilgrims were air lifted on time.
The board according to the chairman the management has improved on its systems and dealt with number of challenges it has encountered when it took over some two years ago.
Some of the challenges, he mentioned includes the timely release of passport with visas to Hajj agents two weeks prior to scheduled departure.
“Management and handling of Pilgrims’ luggage both in Ghana and Saudi Arabia improved significantly. Every pilgrim arrived with his or her luggage intact”, he added.
Sheikh I.C Quaye admitted that despite some challenges faced the board; his outfit is poised to deliver on its mandate and was very optimistic that this hajj would be one of the best to happen to the organization of Hajj in the country.
By: Iddrissu A. Jara