Women Delebrate on Corruption in Governance

Women across the country have joined forces to fight against corruption in the public sector.
They have raised several concerns about how corruption affects their livelihoods and increases negatively to their growth.
Addressing participants at the Women in Anti – Corruption Forum in Accra organized by the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition, GACC, Mrs. Clara Beeri Kasser -Tee, a consultant and a legal proactioner qouted the the United Nations Department Program, UNDP’s report, 2012 that states that 76% of women are prevented from access to public goods and services.
She bemoaned that sex is demanded from women as bribe to get what they wanted.
Mrs. Kasser-Tee described the lack of engaging women in decision making as one of the most pressing issues to development and social justice despite women constituting half of the world’s population.
She also described as paradoxical the level of corruption that affects women and caregivers.
On his part, Nana Chinibuab, Head of Governance at the UNDP also mentioned that corruption prevents social inclusion, promote inequality and inhibit prosperity in the country.
He said critical impact of corruption affects the quality and access to public services because funds are diverted from its intended purposes.
The forum was organized to create awareness among key stakeholders on the links between gender and corruption.
It is also to develop and agree on some country specific mechanisms for strengthening women’s role in the fight against corruption in Ghana.
By: Abiba Abubakar