The case of fire sweeping the lives out of Ghanaian and destroying hard earned properties in Ghana is an eye-sour. The effect of these fire outbreaks has become a frequent occurrence that have devastated the livelihood of many.
Structures that are environmentally damaged or vandalized can be repaired, but consider lives in inferno that are lost completely. In as much as we depend aggressively on fire fighters and fire institutions, just like the ordinary Ghanaian will wait for the Fire Service to arrive, we can do more than that.
We know fire institutions do their best, but how effective are these laid down mechanism? Are they effective at all? If these strategies currently in place aren’t yielding the maximum results, why not go back to the drawing board and re-strategize. We can do more than quench fire, report, assess and repair.
Detecting inferno and responding to it promptly can save several thousands of lives, injuries and millions of properties but can we bear the repercussion of these damages and continue to wait for the next outbreak to occur so we write reports?
Based on the nature of the fire situation in Ghana, we suggest that the issue of public education be intensified within the country. Both the Fire Service and the National Disaster Management Organization should embark on an intensive educational campaign among residents regarding fire prevention and safety measures.
Thank you.
For clarification on the above subject, please call
Elizabeth Owusu Kissi
Brands & Communications Lead