Toshiba company to clear fake products from Ghana market

This they believe will boost their market returns while making them more competitive on the market.
“That requires a lot of legal things and we don’t have a presence legally here in this country so we are working out with our distributors to have certain legal contingencies provided” General Manager-MEA Digital Products and Solutions at Toshiba, Santosh Varghese said.
He added that “I think the best way to remove these fake products from our market is to have genuine products displayed in the stores, training for people and also awareness. So we are mounting billboards across for awareness as well so the consumer can know how to distinguish the fake from the original”.
Mr. Varghese made the statement while announcing “Toshiba Channel Connect Event” together with its partner Mitsumi as part of its “Go Africa” strategy focusing on in-country operations.
As part of the company’s “Go Africa” channel strategy, the focus will be on in-country operations to develop respective markets.
The General Manager also hinted of conducting regular “product roadshows, sales and technical skills training for its business partners’ staff, focus on channel development and channel health and most important introducing the latest product and technology in line with the global launch.”
The TGFZ and Mitsumi roadshows, which have been conducted in various countries of African markets will kick off in Accra soon.
Toshiba is targeting approximately 75 local and channel partners for this event.
Toshiba, a 142-year-old company with the DNA of innovation has its Hard Disk Drive business since 1967.
Unlike other brands who handle Africa through a remote operation, Toshiba’s “Go Africa” strategy is to have an in-country reach.
Santosh Varghese added that “As a technology company we foresee the 950 million populated African continent, with the high number of smart gadget users along with the 3G/4G and internet penetration will help the Toshiba storage business to grow in multifold in the coming years”.
Source: citibusiness