Self – Acclaimed Record Label Owner in Hot Waters

Charles Hammilton, a self-acclaimed record label owner has been accused of stealing songs belonging to some Ghanaian artists and uploading them on the internet in his name without any agreement between him and the owners of the songs.
His latest victim, raggae-dancehall artsist, Forgyver Kemmy recounts how she was lured by Charles who claims to be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of New Money Record Label into agreeing to be on his record label.
She said Charles asked her to send him all the songs she had done so far and assured her of signing her unto his record label, to which she obliged.
However, after forgiver sent 13 of her songs to him, Charles never got back to her and rather started sharing the songs on various music sites on the internet claiming ownership.
“He appeared to be a very nice person that was why I never suspected him. He claims he is based in the United States of America. I have done everything within my power to make sure he pulls my songs down from the internet but he has not. I even have one I did with Abrewa Nana which is not supposed to be out now but this guy has put it on the internet and Abrewa Nana is not even happy about it and threatening to sue me because that was not part of the agreement i made with her before featuring her,” she lamented.
According to Forgyver, she confronted Charles on the issue and gave him an ultimatum which had long elapsed, but her songs are still on music sites including Itunes, spotify, google play, quobuz, youtube, tidal, amazon and deeezer.
“I have been working hard all these years and I will not sit back and watch someone rob me of what is tryely mine. I will take legal actions soon because the songs are copy right protected,” she added.
She mentioned that the case has since been reported to the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) adding that musicians, especially the up and coming ones must ensure they learn from her predicament so that they will not be victimised by such “unscrupulous” persons.
Checks have however revealed that there is no registered record label called New Money.
Source: GD