Sacked AU Ambassador To The US Rallies Africans In The Diaspora For Pan-African Conference In Dalas

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The outgoing African Union (AU) Ambassador to the United States, who was fired after calling France a thieving country over alleged theft of billions from former African colonies has spent her last day in office rubble-rousing.

Amb. Arikana Chihombori Quao, who has since become a heroic figure on the African continent after her sack on October 7, is asking all Africans in the disapora to attend a conference in Dallas, US, to plot on how to recapture the continents wealth from foreign hands.

In a parting video she made on her last day in office, the outspoken Ambassador said the enemies pillaging Africa have not heard the last from her. In spite of her sacking, she said the reason she became the AU Ambassador to the US jolting Africans to the ugly truth about Western stranglehold on African resources has been achieved and paved way for the next phase of her assignment.

As you are all aware, today is my last day as your African Union Representative to the United States I want you all to know that it was really time, because what I came here to do, what madam Zumah sent me here to do I have accomplished. I can honestly tell you that that mission of galvanizing and bringing awareness to the African diaspora, what is really happening to the African continent that mission has been accomplished.

She points out in the video that the African continental Free Trade Agreement is an opportune platform for Africans in the diaspora to be part of Africas development. I want you also to know that we the children of Africa in the diaspora, our heads of states collectively, have put out a clarion call and they are all calling on us as Children of Africa to join them in building the Africa that we want, in building the Africa that speaks with one voice, as one Africa,. As one continent. We have a responsibility to join them

So as we move forward, I want you to know, I am not going anywhere; I may have left the physical building but am still going to be right here in Washington DC, and around the country and around the region, galvanizing the African disapora making sure and seeing to it that we become a formidable force in building the Africa that we want.

The African continental Free Trade Area is a monumental decision that each and everyone of us must understand, that this is finally our time to truly grab our economic independence; to truly say we can become economically liberated. This is one element that is being denied to us as children of Africa, no matter where we are on the globe. The onus is on us to join our leaders in building the Africa that we want, she said.

Amba. Quao explains that the next phase of her assignment is to mobilize Africans in the diaspora and that the way she envisions the mobilization is that it will be pivoted on establishing a fund.

“The next phase is for us to continue to mobilize, we need a data base where we can know who you are, where you are and what you do. As the continental projects are becoming available, as the contracts are becoming available, we ant you to be on the front seat, we want you to be on the drivers seat driving the Afriucan agenda; no one can get in the way of us African diaspora participating in building the Africa that we want. Africas wealth belongs to us and the only way we can make sure that no one will continue to steal from us, ever again, is when we come together and speak with one voice.

The concept of establishing a disapora fund is a must; its something that each and everyone of us must be prepared to participate in. it s not a donation, it is an investment. It is an investment not only in yourself, but an investment in our children, our grand children and generations to come.

So for those who are asking, ‘Amabssador what is the next phase? the next phase is the establishment of a very important African diaspora data base and secondly lets come together and establish an African diaspora fund. Lets get ready for the implementation of the African continental freetrade area, there is a very important event taking place in November 8 and 9 in Dallas Texas, we look forward to all of you coming to Dalas to hear about what is the way forward for us, children of Africa

Ambassador Arikana Chihombori Quao was sacked as the AUs Ambassador to the US on October 7, after she was seen in a video that had gone viral on the internet, accusing France of stealing more than US$300billion out of Africa every month in the name of the so called Pacte colonial Afrique.

It is believed that France orchestrated her removal through the Au leadership.

By: WhatsApp News

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