Odorgono SHS Denied Sc. Lab For Fear Of Gas Explosion ….As Current Sc. Lab Is Housed In A Death Trap

The Head Mistress of the Odorgono Senior High School (Great OSSAH), Dr. Mrs. Shine Ofori has hinted that for fear of Gas explosion the school is denied of the construction of a new science laboratory (lab) for the teaching of science.
It was noted that the current school’s science lab is housed in a “death trap” which forces the school to always move the equipments to and fro the classroom to carry out with irregular science practical.
According to Dr. Mrs. Shine Ofori, CUMMINS Corporate Ghana based in US and South Africa promised to demolish the old cracked science block for a new one to be constructed, but later changed their mindfor fear of Gas explosion from a Gas Filling Station, Arcadian Gas right behind the science block.
This change of mind by the CUMMINS Corporate Ghana, who brought down officials from the US and South Africa to see the school, following recent rampant fire outbreaks from Gas/fuel stations in the country.
Ghanaiandemocrat.com was hinted that the science laboratory could also have in its custody explosive materials/chemicals that would also explode when it come into contact with fire, hence, CUMMINS Corporate Ghana want the authorities take action in favour of the school.
In an interview with Ghanaiandemocrat.com on the sideline of the last celebration of World Science Day organized by the Ghana United Nations Association on the theme, “Peace and Development” at the school in Accra, the Head Mistress of Great OSSA disclosed that the school only takes the 3rd year students through science practical due to lack the lack laboratory.
“…students must start proper and regular science practical immediately they step into the classroom as first year students, so as to prepare them well in their science subjects; but doing practical only when they are form three (3) is not proper”, she lamented.
Mrs. Shine Ofori told this Reporter that since she stepped into the school, her outfit had written to the Education Ministry, Ga Central Municipal Assembly and other concern authorities for a new laboratory in the school, but all to no avail.
She disclosed that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Environment Ministry granted another three years permit to the threatening Arcadian Gas station situated behind the school’s science lab; and this she bemoaned has disappointed her and the entire school.
Mrs. Shine Ofori reiterated that the same Arcadian Gas station denied the school the opportunity to own a new science lab from CUMMINS Corporate Ghana, based in US and South Africa. “…if you have over 800 students reading science and other science related subjects and you do not have science lab to take the students through, it adversely affects their performance”, she posited.
Source: Ghanaiandemocrat.com