NDC Branch Organizes Health Screening for Constituents

Kaneshie 1&4 cluster of school 7 polling station branch of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the okaikoi South Constituency of the Greater Region has over the weekend organized a health screening exercise for its members.

The screening exercise was patronised by all members of the political divides and residents within and around kanashie Pamprom area.
Some of the beneficiaries who spoke to Ghanaiandemocrat.com after been screened by team of medical doctors commended the organizers and urged them to continue organizing such activities to improve the health condition of the people.

Meanwhile, the kaneshie 1&4 cluster of school 7 polling station branch chairman Mr. Ernest Adomako explained the reason for the health screening was to ensure residents were fit to come out strong and healthy to vote on election day.
He said alot of aged in the community could not afford the cost involved when they attend any health facility hence the free screening to help mitigate their plight.

According to him, NDC as a social democrat party that believes in the wellbeing of the people shall continue to organize such exercise in the area.