IYF Lanches 20th Anniversary With A Life Transforming Movie

International Youth Federation (IYF) World Youth Camp has been launched in Accra over the week with premiering a movie titled “The Big Shot”.
The touching movie, premiered on Friday at the Silver bird Cinema in Accra brought together Officials of the Ghana Prisons Service and the media to watch it at first hand.
The movie is based on a real life story of Rev. Dr. Kim Ki-Sung who spent almost 17 years of his productive life in prison.
Currently, the Director of the Police and Corrections Affairs of the International Youth Fellowship in South Korea, Rev. Dr. Kim Ki-Sung captured the 17-year prison life experience in a mind blowing thriller labelled “THE BIG SHOT”.
In the movie Dr. Kim Ki-Sung who was known as Kin- Kang was the darling son of his mother even though troublesome. His mother went extra mile to get Petitions signed for Kin- Kang to get a parole but that was not to be.
The most emotional part of the movie was where Kin-Kang’s favourite food was prepared by his mother to be sent to him in the prison but while on the journey which takes 3 days before arriving at the Prison, his mother died of heart attack in the train, a scene that threw the audience into poignancy.
In a press conference which follows immediately after the premiering of the movie, a leading member of Christian Leadership Fellowship (CLF) a subsidiary of IYF, Rev. Ato Edwin noted that the Big Shot Movie is transforming many prisons around the Globe.
He added “It is not an ordinary movie but it’s a mindset movie. It teaches us the kind of mindset and thoughts you receive when you are in prison”.
For her part the Assistant Director of Prisons (ADP) Madam Gloria Fati Abudu commended IYF for the movie which she described as touching.
“ I couldn’t help but shed tears”, she said.
Madam Abudu used the occasion to appeal to organizations to support the Prison service in order to intensify the mindset training of inmates.
“It is our fervent hope to collaborate with you in order to mitigate the impact of prison life on inmates”, the Assistant Director of Prison stressed.
Dr. Kim Ki-Sung who also addressed the media via zoom emphasized that he was inspired by reading the book of Televangelist and Founder of IYF, Dr. Ock Soo Park whilst in prison.
The Country Director for CLF Rev. Young Jun Moon was optimistic that the mindset training would go long way to have positive impact on inmates.
He stressed that as a Christian organization the mindset programme which is transforming lives is dear to the IYF.
For the 20th Anniversary Celebrations of the camps; the International Youth Fellowship under the Leadership of Rev Ock Soo Park has developed content to help condition troubled minds and hearts during these times. The International Youth Fellowship; strives to guide young people to break free from fear, hopelessness and sin that darkens the hearts and leads them to live a happy and bright life with the “MINDSET EDUCATION” which was demonstrated in the movie ‘THE BIG SHOT” premiered today as an opening to the 2021 edition of the IYF WORLD YOUTH CULTURE CAMPS dated 15th – 18th of July.
International Youth Fellowship is a non-profit making NGO has partnered the National Youth Authority (NYA), Ministry of Youth and Sports to connect to the world through this online and offline camp. This event which starts from the 15th – 18th July, 2021 is meticulously put together by the International Youth Fellowship and its partners to train and enrich the hearts, minds and bodies of the youth from different countries all over the world. With Rev. Ock Soo Park as the main guest speaker for the main events; the whole programme shall be graced by performances from the Gracias Choir, Black Pearl Accapella Group, Joe Mettle, Joyful Way Incorporated and Alabastor Box amongst many other ground-breaking artists.