ISMI Promotes Maritime Safety and Offshore Oil Production in the Gulf of Guinea

The Inter-regional Institute for Maritime Safety and Security (ISMI) is organizing a seminar to ensure safety in the maritime environment by building countries technical and legislative regimes to tackle risks often associated with offshore oil production in countries in the Gulf of Guinea.
The 5day seminar which begins from Monday 9th to 13th April, 2018 in Abidjan is organized by ISMI with funding from the French Cooperation, expertise from the Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution (Centre de Documentation, de Recherche et d’expérimentationssur les pollutions accidentelles des eaux – CEDRE – France) and supported by Canadian Company CNR International.
A statement issued by ISMI indicated that the seminar is in response to the needs expressed by the States of the Gulf of Guineaon different issues linked to maritime safety and security, and law enforcement.
The statement noted that for the first time since its inception in September 2015, ISMI will tackle key issues relating to spill risks, characteristics of the coastal states of the Gulf of Guinea situated in the heart of the blue economy, offshore industry and states’ authorities to work together for a sustainable maritime development.
The objective of the seminar is to building judicial, technical and operational capacities of countries of the Gulf States as well as enhances the knowledge of managers from the public and private sector to better prevent natural risks linked to these economic activities.
Participants at the seminar will share country experiences and risk profiles at the various sessions in order to design approaches on how to mitigate risks and address the issues holistically.
By: Abubakari Seidu Ajarfor