Is Ghana’s Economy Still in ICU? Views from the Blind Side of COVID -19

Sometime in March, COVID-19 entered Ghana. The Caucus for Democratic Governance, Ghana (CDG—Gh), observed with shock that after three weeks our economy was showing signs of collapse, as a result of stresses and strain , from COVID-19.
It was shocking because we were often fed with excellent macroeconomic figures with growth rate of between 6.4% to 8%. Ghana was proudly described as one of the best economies in Africa; robust, strong and one of the fastest growing in Africa. It is therefore worrying to note the speed with which our economy went on its knees, barely three weeks after COVID-19.
How is Ghanas early call for a life line possible ; at a time when all our neighboring countries in Africa had not openly come out with any request ? Expects contend that Ghana
s National reserves must be able to keep us floating for about three months, before any rescue attempt. As I write, we have received 100 million from IMF. We have also received $1billion from World Bank, the Heritage Fund is running out. Our internally generated reserves for emergency situations like the COVID-19 is used up. This is what happens to a weak economy in crisis time.
The former President, John Mahama often cautioned the Finance Minister for engaging in creative accounting, indicating that a number of debts are put under the base line to escape accounting. This weakens the resilience of the economy.
When the baseline to GDP is changed, to induce flowery figures, that presupposes a robust economy, then the economy is bound to collapse in three weeks of strain and stress.
When this Government borrows heavily (126 billion ghc in 3.5 years , the highest in the history of Ghana), the debt distress becomes high. When the debt distress is high, we have no option but to run quickly to IMF for rescue.
Instead of the Government aggressively embarking on austere measures of pruning down the size of the Government appointees, reducing taxes, reducing imports and investing in productivity to make saving, she is stampeding the resources of Bank of Ghana (BoG) to weaken the economy.
In an economy where BoG is forced to print 5,5 billion ghc to finance Government operations and is planning to print more; cannot be a robust economy. This action is a breach of the Bank of Ghana Act.
Where the BoG is converted into extension of the Ministry of Finance, the foundation of the economy, with time, becomes weak.
In an economy where figures on Internal reserves, Fiscal Deficit of GDP and Primary Balance % of GDP are manipulated in the 2020 budget, the economy is programmed to go on its knees in three weeks of COVID-19.
CDG-Gh is of the view that the economy is still in Intensive Care Unit. We need serious restructuring processes to improve its resilience. We need a new Government with fresh ideas, and a new team led by former President John Mahama to do the right job.
Dr. E.K. Hayford
Executive Director, CDG-Gh
0277606338 / 0507694343
Dr E.K.Hayfod