Insurance Consumers To Get Legal Support From INSCAG

The Insurance Consumers Association of Ghana is committed to providing insurance consumers with necessary assistance on claims processing and accessing other rights.
It has stated that, it is prepared to offer legal support to insurance consumers when necessary in claims processing litigations which normally arise when the cause of accident is mostly not clear.
INSCAG is a limited by Guarantee entity which has its main objective to serve as a trusted and respected redressal platform for aggrieved insurance consumers in the country as well as, serving as the reliable, authentic and authoritative central information point on issues relating to the insurance industry.
The group is committed to collaborating with all the necessary stakeholders for the development, restructuring, policy advocacy, mass mobilization and information dissemination on insurance business in the country.
In an interview with the Board of Trustees Chairman, Dr Joseph k. Manboah-Rockson he said, “INSCAG has come to police the insurance companies to pay compensation promptly to consumers.”
“We as serve as a link between insurance companies and the consumers of insurance products”, he added.
Many a times, insurance consumers have complained of delays in claims payment and in some cases non-payment of claims at all due to non-adherence to the exact process or requirement or missing evidence to support claims settlement by the insurance company.
INSCAG with its education of consumers on the right things to do and not to do, their rights and responsibilities, awareness creation on the right package of products available to specific consumers and the legal support services provides relief to insurance consumers in the country.
INSCAG is set to start its membership registration drive soon across the country collaborating with the drivers’ unions including Ghana Private Road Transport Union, PROTOA, Co-operatives, Real Estate Developers Association and the Oil Marketing Association among others.
Story: Adnan Adams Mohammed