I have no fear of Special Prosecutor – Ibrahim Mahama

Brother of former President John Mahama, says he has no fear of prosecution because he is a clean businessman.
Ibrahim Mahama who owns Engineers & Planners said some mischievous politicians have sought to malign him by pushing a perception that proximity to his brother, influenced access to state largess and juicy contracts.
If anything, his proximity proved to be a hindrance, he told graduate students of the University of Ghana in Accra at the 2018 GRASSAG Entrepreneurship Seminar.
“I became successful much more in [President] Kufour’s time because I had nobody around my neck. I rather regret when my brother became vice-president…It became a problem for me in my business.”
The businessman explained he never needed a government contract to get along and would only take a government job that “has been difficult for any contractor to do”.
He founded his company before his brother had thought of entering politics in 1996.
Ibrahim Mahama said with the coming into power of the NPP administration, he is “even doing better than when my brother was President”.
Describing himself as a problem solver, Ibrahim Mahama said he is satisfied in seeing other Ghanaians get a better life through his business.
“Just about two weeks ago, I have employed about 3,000 Ghanaians to work for me,” he said to applause.
Ibrahim Mahama said he pays more tax than any Ghanaian yet he had to suffer insults from people who contribute less to the country’s economy.
Vouching for his integrity, John Mahama’s brother maintained his business will be of no interest to the Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu, because he is not corrupt.
“…I can chop my money without looking back and thinking that Amidu is coming to call me. And that is the confidence I do have.”
“I don’t go anyplace fearing my shadow, running away from my shadow”.
The founder of Engineers & Planners advised the youth to work hard instead of relying on politicians.
Ibrahim Mahama said his business has grown to survive the tenure of his own life.
“The business has grown beyond me so much so that even when I am not there, the business will stand on its feet,” he said.
At the entrepreneurship summit, Ibrahim Mahama announced a seed capital of $2,000 for 20 graduates with viable business plans.
He said the gesture is to also encourage other successful entrepreneurs and businesses to support start-ups and young entrepreneurs.
“Let’s be able to do what others did for the likes of us that helped us to start our businesses that have now become a monster”.
Source: myjoyonline