Headmaster, Techaers Turn Kade Senior High Into Money Farm

A month-long investigation into an extortionate system of commercialized education at the Kade Senior High School (KASSTECH), in spite of the Free SHS program, has confirmed that the Headmaster and a host of his teaching staff have styled the campus of the school into a monopoly market.
Mr. Emmanuel Danquah leads a bunch of preying shylocks as a school uniforms dealer and an on-campus sales representative of Innes fly company limited, muscling Innes fly’s bedbugs spray down the throat of students.
While at it, he has also allegedly given his blessing to teachers under him to sell elective books to students at cut throat prices.
Emmanuel Danquah, who attempted to threaten this reporter into dropping this story has allegedly partnered with some local tailors in Kade to sew uniforms for the form three students of the school. A dictatorial monopoly of this lucrative set-up means boys must pay Ghc90, while girls cough up Ghc65 for uniforms from the Headmaster’s office even though they can get the same uniforms at ghc35 in town.
Because of the expensiveness of Emmanuel Danquah’s school uniforms, form three students of the school wear different colors on campus with male students who have been able to afford the Headmaster’s own, wearing white tops while those who have not yet been able to afford, wear the originally prescribed green tops over khakis.
“This is a very serious matter because the Headmaster has just changed the school’s uniform without permission from the GES or even the school’s Board,” an unhappy teacher who spoke on condition of anonymity said.
Mr. Emmanuel Danquah himself has claimed in a phone interview that the new uniform is the idea of the form three students themselves. He refused to answer whether he has the permission of the GES to entertain such uniforms. He also claimed that uniforms from outside are not accepted because some of the female students sew very short skirts that expose their nakedness.
Meanwhile, selfsame Emmanuel Danquah has confirmed that the school’s stores are holding gallons of Innesfly’s anti bedbugs spray but refutes the allegation that he is the salesman who is foisting it on the students at ghc20 per gallon. According to him the sales rep of Innesfly is a man from outside the campus of KASSTECH, but with his blessing.
Investigations reveal that the Headmaster is just the ringleader of a group of KASSTECH teachers who have constituted themselves into shylocks, milking students under Free SHS. KASSTECH’s campus has been turned into one big market with teachers mounting stores to sell everything to students from elective books to mops, through to machetes and brooms.
Mr. Emmanuel Danquah also appears to have entered into partnership with the IT department of the school to set up a passport picture trade in which all new freshers to the school are forced to take passport pictures at a price two times higher than what the same pictures cost in town.
“The truth of the matter is that, the Free SHS has come to a put a lot of pressure on teachers without corresponding increase in reward and so the Headmaster and the teachers here are using all means possible to milk students and parents. This has made the cost of education under Free SHS more expensive than used to be under cash and carry” an unhappy teacher said.
As part of a range of strange levies slapped on students, the kids must pay a signing out fee of ghc5 when they vacate and go home, and pay a sign in fee of ghc5 when school resumes and they return to campus.
Mr. Emmanuel Danquah has refuted this but has since refused to allow this reporter interview members of the school’s PTA, students and the Students Representative Council.
Under Free SHS, the government supplies only core text books to students, leaving the burden of acquiring the elective books to students and parents. This arrangement has been turned into opportunity by the Headmaster and his teaching staff to sell these elective books at cut throat prices.
For instance, a Chiczy series Christian Religious Studies (CRS) sells for ghc35 on the open market, but is sold for ghc45 on campus, where a student must necessarily buy from or risk being thrown out of class.
Also, because the teachers who have put up shops all over campus want their goods to sell, they have instituted a system where newly admitted students must necessarily buy their prospectus from the shops in the school.
An under cover investigation by this reporter revealed that shops owned by teachers sell everything from brooms, to mops to machetes which have been prescribed in the school’s prospectus. In respect of the machetes, the school insists on the more expensive MOD and Crocodile brands which are not readily available in the local markets of Kade.
They are however readily available in the shops run by teachers on the KASSTECH campus because allegedly, the Headmaster and the teachers have piles of the MOD and Crocodile brands which they have been collecting over the years from students in the school’s stores and resell these brands to newly admitted students every year.
Mr. Emmanuel Danquah refuted the allegation in a phone interview and invited this reporter to KASSTECH’s campus to ascertain things. However, when we got on the campus, the Headmaster demanded that the story be dropped.
When we refused to drop the story, he also refused to give access to the evidence he had promised on phone.
More anon.
Source: What’s Up News