Head of Civil Service Awards 2017 Best Performed Chief Director

The Agreement system include end of year evaluation and awards to honour the best Performed Chief Director and ministry for 2017.
Mr. Godwin Brocke, the Chief Director, for Ministry of Roads and Highways emerged as the best performed chief Director for 2017 followed by, the Ministry of Education as the 2nd, Ministry of Works and Housing as the 3rd, the chief Director for Finance as the 4th and finally Ministry of Interior emerging as the 5th.
In an interview on the sidelines with the best performed chief Director, Mr. Godwin Brocke indicated that despite the numerous projects and heculian task that has to be undertaken by his ministry as part of his performance agreement teamwork and support of his staff they were able to achieve that feat.
The Head of Civil Service, Nana Agyekum Dwamena, for his part said as part of the President ‘s efforts to transform the economy and enhance productivity in the Civil service, various innovations will continue to be put in place to make the Civil service achieve maximum result in line with national development goals.
He warned that contract of poorly performed Chief Directors would not be renewed.
By: Beauty Etornam Amedzotsi Agama