GES ‘sacks’ teachers with banking, marketing certificates

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has terminated the appointments of all new teachers with banking, marketing and finance certificates engaged as teaching and non-teaching staff after the Service’s limited recruitment exercise.
According to the Upper East Regional Education Director, Patricia Ayiko, an order was given from the Headquarters of the Ghana Education Service instructing the immediate abrogation of their engagement.
Speaking to Citi News on the developments in Bolgatanga, Mrs Ayiko explained that the GES held that the recruits with such educational backgrounds will be of no use in the delivery of quality education.
“So headquarters said we should retrieve their appointment letters because the courses they went and did, they didn’t do the courses to come and teach because we don’t know what they are going to teach,” Mrs Ayiko stated
“We were authorized by the Director General of the Ghana Education Service (GES) to return all those letters. So they can’t teach in GES that is why we have been asked to retrieve their appointment letters.”
Mrs Ayiko could not give the number of recruits affected but emphasized that those who refused to return their appointment letters won’t be allowed to keep teaching.
It is, however, unclear why the Ghana Education Service would engage recruits with such qualifications if their services were not needed.
Source: citifmonline