DKT Schools Pharmacists On ADR In Western Region

DKT International, a leading producer of contraceptive drugs has schooled various pharmacists and pharmaceutical owners on the need for Adverse Drug Reactions.
At a training workshop to sensitize and educate pharmacists, the Chemical shops and health professionals on how to report Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR), resource persons called for the need to record comments from clients.
The workshop was aimed at furnishing participants on how to report appropriately on ADR and any other related reaction for prompt responses.
Speaking at the sidelines of the workshop in Takoradi, last week, the Senior Manager In charge of Regulatory Affairs for Pharmacovigilance (PV) of DKT International Mr. Abdulla Adamu explained that the main objective of the workshop is to protect and promote public safety and effective use of any contraceptive
Mr. Adam highlighted the importance of keeping records of clients in respect of a particular drug to help manufacturers improve it better for public consumption.
According to him the workshop was part of a project DKT will be rolling out this year throughout the country to sensitize the general public on the need for ADR.
He added that “every medicine has some qualities of side effect with unpleasant reaction and as a social marketing organization, it is our duty to police it and find a lasting solution by any other means and take appropriate regulatory actions when needed”.
He added that “We want to create awareness on the ADR and the first target is with our customers and they will also send the messages across before engaging the general public.”
Mr. Adam said DKT needs to progress in a positive direction and urgently needed a quick response to turn aside any controversy.
He therefore urged the public to report on any adverse effect of medicines to the health facilities or any community pharmacy for prompt action.
The workshop organized by the DKT international, a Social Marketing Organization on ADR was solely for medicine distributors, wholesalers and retailers and would soon be replicated across the Ten Regions in Ghana.
Participants on the other hand commended the producers of Kiss Condoms for organizing the workshop.
They expressed satisfaction on the subject matter and promised to put the knowledge acquired into practice and hope to achieve good results at their endeavors.
By – Iddrissu A. Jara