Congratulations NDC for showing the difference between you and the NPP

I wish to congratulate the new executives of the NDC on their new appointments. In spite of the numerous challenges that the party faced due to explosion in membership and progression in our electoral processes, at the end of the day, victory – the main aim, was achieved. We now have a competent crop of executives to lead the party to victory in 2020 and beyond.
Congresses have been organized in the past but what is unique about the just ended one is the way delegates showed the difference between the NDC and the NPP. In the weekend’s Congress, delegates showed that the NDC is entirely different when it comes to the issue of ‘tribalism’.
NDC does not vote or elect on tribal lines. Elections in the party are won based on such factors as qualification, competence, efficiency, organizational ability, loyalty and ability to convince the delegates and rally their support. In NDC, there is a clear-cut difference between ‘election’ and ‘appointment’.
In their shameless attempts to play the tribal card and score political points by widely condemning the NDC – that its newly elected executive body does not include any Voltarian, they are rather unconsciously, affirming what we have been telling Ghanaians for years – that the NDC frowns on tribalism, unlike the NPP.
We have been vindicated. What went viral about this ‘tribal politics’ – an intended propaganda tool by the NPP is what the NDC should be, and of course is, proud of because this is what sets the two parties apart.
NDC members and for that matter our loyal Voltarian comrades understand that it is not about tribalism, rather it is an election and that ‘Election’ is not the same as ‘Appointment’.
They do understand that all the factors enumerated elsewhere above, are paramount and override tribalism. They also know that losing in an election does not mean one cannot serve in any other capacity to make a meaningful contribution.
They are also aware that election helps ensure efficiency in the party and above all, our Voltarian comrades are above this ‘kiddish and caddish’ tribal ‘game’. They are well represented in the party and will not fall for this divisive propaganda.
I sympathize with all our comrades who could not make it. They did their best but, as we all know, all could not have been elected. Thanks for fighting a good fight in the name of the Great NDC. Better luck soon.
A word of sincere thanks to you, all organizers, delegates, senior comrades and members of the party who directly or indirectly played their various roles in ensuring another successful Congress. I also thank the general public especially the media for their respective roles.
Congratulations, once more, delegates and the NDC for showing the difference. Now Ghanaians know our ‘Level’ in politics and that of the ‘King Promise” party.
Long live the NDC,
Long live Mother Ghana.
By: Thomas E. Yankey