CFF-GH to Petition International Bodies Over Voters’ Register

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The Community Focus Foundation Ghana (CFF-GH) and partners on its Elections Integrity (EI) Project has resolved to petition the international community over the controversial voters’ register in the coming days.

This decision has been necessitated by the growing tension in Ghana as a result of the entrenched position taken by the Electoral Commission (EC) to compile a new voters’ register for the 2020 general elections at all cost against the will of majority of the Ghanaian people.

We consider the EC’s entrenched stance and the public pronouncements by some Ghanaians especially the political actors in a politically polarized society as dangerous to Ghana’s democratic credentials and the earlier the international community intervens the better.

As an organization which advocates for good governance through participatory decision making, we wish to reiterate our call for the EC to rescind it’s decision to compile a new register but rather engage it’s stakeholders on the way forward for a free, fair and transparent elections where all players will respect and accept the outcome of results towards our democratic consolidation.



Mr. Richard Kasu


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